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Image by Bruno Nascimento


Website Requirements

  1. Three Pages

    1. Home Page​

      1. Banner(image or Video) Section with Call to Action​

      2. About Us Section or Description of Company

    2. Menu Page

      1. List and Repeater​

        1. Add 6 Menu Items on the Site​

          1. Add Pictures of Food Items​

          2. Add Prices

    3. Contact Page

      1. Use the yellow contact stripe​

      2. Business info

        1. Phone: 614-BUR-GERS

        2. Email: {business name}

        3. Address: 1277 N High St., Columbus, OH 43210

  2. Header

    1. Logo or Business Name and Site Menu​

  3. Footer

    1. Business Name and Designer Names​


    1. Make sure we use the color wheel and make sure your branding is on point

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